From everything including ice tools to the newest high tech clothing it is easy to make things into tinker toys.
Having seen so much outdoor industry design work I have to wonder why it isn't the use driving design efforts instead of the cash register.
Ski are a good case in point. As in a good way. These days you can find a specific ski designed for a single specific purpose. Purpose/use driving design.
DPS Lotus Spoon is a excellent design effort imo. One use. Few limitations for that use.
Dyanfit DyNA ski boot. Again designed for one specific use. A few minor limitations :) Not water resistant and a sole that wears too quickly.
My CCW alpine pack. Simple, but complex design for one focused use. It is not a ski pack or a back packing pack, a book pack or an expedition pack. It is a alpine climbing pack.
Petzl Nomic another excellent example.
Look at a TLT6. What does it take to strip away that boot and "solve all the problems" that a DyNA EVO has?
"when there is nothing left to take away."
My newest project? A TLT 6 with nothing left to take away.
More to come.......

Dane, could I offer up a flipped question? How about what could you add to the EVO to make it better than a stripped TLT? Its not like anyone really uses the TLT tongue so that means snow gets in those too.
Ive seen Aliens on some vimeo video (wish I remembered which one) where they had added duck tape below the laces covering up the big gap. Maybe something similar could be done for EVOs? They are a lot skinnier and that seems like it would make them climb ice better (something I want to confirm/deny this winter). Then, maybe if the sole wears out there has to be a replacement that works, I know its something you have looked into and seems to be tricky but Im guessing its out there.
Im not sure this is a good approach but thought Id toss it out there.
Hi Jesse, Fair question. I'd encourage you to give it a go. From what I have seen if you look at the EVO and compare it to the TLT the TLT actually has a rivited in tongue that you are required to use. It also keeps the boot reasonably dry in my own experiernce with both boots.
Just easier to make a lwt TLT than it is a durable and dry EVO imo. Cheaper too :)
Not looking for a duct tape answer. Duct tape will fix anything. But it is not THE answer I am looking for. Good stuff though. Let us know what you come up with on your own boots.
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