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The cold world of skimo & alpine climbing

The cold world of skimo & alpine climbing

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dynafit ONE PF-TF boot....

I saved what I think is one of the best AT boots for one of my last boot reviews of the up coming winter and new ski season.   This last flurry of boot reviews has been my attempt at a "buyer's guide" for the best of the current AT boots.   I'll do at least one follow up on the Spectra,  my stripped and lwt TLT 6 and a full review of the Dynafit PDG a bit later after more time on all of them.   But this is my last full size AT boot review.  Tracy has her own review coming mid winter on ONE boot as well.  Her story of a newbie to AT boots should be interesting for anyone contemplating switching full time to tech bindings and AT boots for lift and side country skiing.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

I pissed them off too ?


Dang it!     ...that certainly wasn't the intention!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Yard sale..skis and boots?!

I am knee deep in gear and clothing.  But not enough room to store it all.  I have a hard time using let alone wearing everything out.  I'd rather see it go to a good home than sit idle in the gear room.  If you are my size, aka a large jacket, a size mens 12US, 45 Euro or a 28 Mondo for boots, there are  some screaming deals to be had if you are quick.  A few tools and some technical gear as well.  I'll ship it anywhere you are willing to pay for.  Gloves, goggles, packs, stoves, pads, snow shoes, old tools, avi shovels and tents go up tomorrow night.

Climbing damn it!

Tim Friesen climbing, photo courtesy of Dave Cheesmond, 1982.

With all the ski nonsense lately I thought I add some real climbing content. Last and crux pitch, original route, on Deltaform's Super Coulior.  Rockies (IV, 5.9 1000m) established by George Lowe and Chris Jones in 1973 .  The Super Coulior in NA.    'Nuf said.

Fitzroy, Supercanaleta (VI 5.10 A2, 1600m,  Comesana-Fonrouge, 1965

Mont Blanc du Tacul Supercouloir,  III ED 500m,  Boivin and Gabarrou, 1975. 

The Scarpa Maestrale RS?

Brian Harder ripping steep Spring Cascade gullies in the RS
More from Brian here:

Admittedly this is a tough blog to write  after the last two on the newest AT ski boots available.  Easy thought because I spent the majority of the last winter's ski season and well into Spring and early summer skiing the Scarpa Maestrale RS.  Lots of reviews out on the RS by the time I got mine.  Many of them well worth reading.

Friday, November 15, 2013

La Sportiva Spectre! One boot to rule all?

Much more to come on my impressions of this boot.  I didn't intend this to become a full blown review.  But if you are looking for a easy walking and "stiff ski " boot you'll want to check this new guy out.  The Spectre is stiff as 110+/- flex rating.  Think Scarpa RS here for flex.   All buckled up tight I'd say 110+ but a very progressive flex on the plus side.  The farther you go forward the stiffer the boot.  No on and off here.  Which I really like.  Easily the stiffest and most progressive boot I have had on, ever.  High and supportive with a lovely single latch walk mode...that is simply (no chit) impressive.  Quality of both the inner boot and the buckle system shines through.  Although it may take a bit of time to really appreciate the buckle system.  They are worth the effort to figure out.  Fair warning there how ever :) 

La Sportiva Spectre!  One boot to rule all?  May be.....just may be.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Steck's custom gear? "Super nice"

photo courtesy of Ueli Steck collection

I'm like a freakin Raven aka .Corvus...shiny metal things get my attention and I then want :)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tinker Toy design Efforts..part 2.. the Dynafit TLT 6.

TLT6 with the factory CL Dynafit/Palau foam liner

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

This was an experiment for me to take advantage of the TLT 6 Series of boots for my own use.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

How cool would a modern Galbier "Super Guide" be?


Not that it is going to ever happen.  But I for one miss the sweat formed support and durability of a well fitted leather technical mountain boot.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Can you open your mind? A2.16 Pro Trailer, Mountian Pole!

All the pictures are courtesy of and stolen from the various web site and links.  My apologies for the blatant theft of the photos.  I hope the bog post generates some additional sales for all involved.  I think it is a very worthy concept.

Please pardon what might first seem a duplicate of the prior post.  But I thought the original idea was worthy of  more info/study and consideration.  I first saw these unique ski poles being used by a Guide in a trip report skiing in and around the Chamonix valley.

you can source them here:

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Skimo gear info request?

Anyone know who makes or a source for the green, short, one piece suit the skier on the left is wearing?  Thanks!

Thanks to everyone for the help on this question.  I now better understand the ratehr strange choice in clothing.  You just never know what ski mo racers will be up to next :)

More here on the story behind the picture:

One more.....a local guide in Chamonix using a rather unusual ski pole.  Any ideas on who makes them?  Edit:  Thanks everyone for the info....theirweb site is:

Again thank  you for sourcing these for me!  Their website is
Now looking for someone who will ship to the US.  But will likely just make my own later today.

Brilliant idea here I think.  Another one where simple is better and in this case  much more user friendly.

Tinker toy design efforts?

"A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away."

Zamberlan 3000 Paine Plus GTX single boot.

There is nothing I like more than the newest super light technical gear.  Especially the newest boots.   But there is always a bit of disappointment on my part with every pair I take out of the box.  Like most of us these days I own several pairs of alpine boots.  Lwt Singles and warm doubles at the very least if you can afford them.  And an additional "super gaiter" boot to fill out a full 4 season "do every thing" quiver.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

"Better to fall than get out the rope!"

Fun ski stuff worth a look....

From the Cradle to the Grave...

In light of the recent Encapsil jacket review I thought this very interesting.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Ice screw technology?


I am a pretty simple guy when it comes to climbing.

Patagonia's Encapsil™ Down Belay Parka....

Encapsil down high on Huascaran Sur, Cordillera Blanca
Photo courtesy of Jd Merritt and Carl Dean 
Patagonia sez:
"The finest down parka ever made. The Encapsil™ Down Belay Parka is 100% independently baffled and differentially cut, and insulated with Patagonia’s Encapsil™ down - a proprietary, plasma-treated, water-repellent down with an unprecedented fill-power of 1000; numbered, limited edition."

OK, up front, ya I want one. This after playing with a loaner from Patagonia for a couple of weeks.   And not something I ever thought I'd want to admit to.  Just can't get past the $700 buy in.

Mountain Equipment Trojan soft shell Pant..