I've been out climbing and forgot about the April give away. Ya gotta be a member to win. A Blue Ice chalk bag, a Boa leash and one other piece of fun climber's kit will be given away. Three chances to win!

OK then!
The free gear?
It goes to: Melissa Harms
The Blue Ice Boa Leash?
It goes to: Gordon Green
Hurry with that email because they are a pretty good snack!

Send me an email..one way or another and I'll get your prize mailed out to you. Till then there is always the next drawing ;)
Am I the only Kelly on this list? I do love those mojo bars!
The "Kelly" that won looks to be female and has a blogger profile of just "Kelly" not "kcan". So from that info it at least looks like another Kelly at the moment.
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