If you come here often, I suspect you will have noticed a distinct lack of new content lately. Good reason for that. I've been skiing and climbing in France and Switzerland for the past month with another to go before returning to Seattle.
This trip has allowed me to test some theories, get to see and use some of the newest gear to best effect and so far, only scare myself spitless a few times to date. But the trip isn't over yet!
Best part of the trip, and there have been many, is I am already fully booked for Chamonix in March and April of 2015!
If you find the upcoming changes and newest content to Cold Thistle (and I have many planned ) interesting, entertaining and fun be sure to let me know. I am pretty stoked about it all! If next winter is any thing like the last 6 weeks. 2015 will simply be amazing here at CT!
Things should start happening in late May. Stick around and see what you think!